Dental Cleanings
Sparkling smiles start here: Unleash your pearly whites with our exceptional dental cleanings!
Its Importance And True Role in Overall Health
Regularly scheduled dental visits are vitally important, and they are not just about checking for cavities. In our practice, the emphasis has come to be more about complete oral health since a genuinely healthy mouth is directly linked to your overall health.
Several bacteria-related conditions that can affect our patient’s body, in general, can display symptoms and have their start in the mouth, especially heart conditions. These types of mouth bacteria have been known to affect the body negatively.
In its truest sense, general dentistry does involve regular oral hygiene visits to our office since this enables us to assess the state of health in your mouth correctly. This timely assessment consists of removing stains and tartar from the teeth, regular digital x-rays, periodontal evaluations, and screenings for cancer.
The prevention, through early examinations, of unhealthy conditions within our patient’s bodies that could start in their mouths is well worth the time spent.
While your visit to our office could be for general dentistry purposes, we will also be doing maintenance on dental fillings you may already have and doing our very best to keep your smile a healthy one.
Dental restorations that we perform for you are meant to last long. However, they won’t last indefinitely, and replacements and repairs will inevitably be needed. We consider it our top priority to make sure your oral health stays in top form and that you will always have a beautiful smile!
A Few Are Listed Below:
Doing the best you can with these general dentistry guidelines will still not prevent the occasional emergency, so if you sense or feel an issue or problem beginning in your mouth, don’t ignore it; give us a call immediately. It certainly could mean the difference between losing and saving a tooth!
For your convenience, we offer these three types of comfort and sedation dentistry:
This “laughing gas,” as most people know it, is used for simple fillings or routine cleaning treatments and is the most common form of sedation. Thanks to this simple form of sedation, your entire dental treatment can be a relaxing experience.
During IV Sedation, the patient’s vital signs are monitored throughout the entirety of the procedure, as the sedation is administered via IV. The patient will have been sleeping during the entire process, in this case, and will awaken only after the procedure.
Suppose a patient must return to school or work after completing the procedure. In that case, it will be especially beneficial for them to understand their need for sufficient recovery time before they leave.
We currently offer oral sedation for our patients who wish to remain conscience and yet come to us with gagging problems or a higher than average amount of fear and anxiety. Throughout the entire procedure, we closely monitor their vital signs once giving a combination of oral medications.
Once taking the oral medication we provide, the patient becomes highly relaxed and drowsy, and after their appointment, most patients remember nothing of the fear or anxiety they may have thought to experience without.
You will not be put to sleep with oral sedation, and during the entire procedure, you will be able to respond to Dr. Melancon and his team.
Patients who self-pay and contact us due to pain, such as those requiring root canal treatment, fillings, or crowns, will incur a $75 charge for their appointment. This fee encompasses the examination and x-ray essential for diagnosis. Excludes patients with dental insurance.
New patients, paying out of pocket, who schedule a cleaning will be charged $175 for a basic cleaning. This fee covers an examination, two sets of x-rays, and a regular cleaning. Excludes deep cleaning procedures and patients with insurance.
New patients, paying out of pocket, requiring an extraction will incur a charge of $205. This includes the cost of X-rays, an examination, and the extraction procedure itself. Excludes patients with insurance.
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